SCP Bridge Club
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  • Monday afternoon: Ladies Party Bridge
  • Tuesday afternoon: Chicago Bridge
  • Thursday afternoon: Rubber Bridge
  • Thursday evening: Duplicate Bridge

Around here, we play for FUN—no ACBL sanctioned matches, no masters points, no judgmental competition. We play with friends and neighbors, we laugh, and we hone our skills, because from beginner to experienced players, we never stop learning.

If you would like to play or have questions about the different groups, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. If you would like to learn the game, let us know and we will try to organize a new player session. If you would like to expand your knowledge of common bids, such as Stayman, Jacoby transfers, Gerber, Blackwood, etc., let us know that, too, and we will try to schedule an instructional session.  

Just remember, this is casual, friendly, helpful bridge, so bring your interest and your positivity, and get involved with a game you’ll enjoy for years to come!

Hope to see you around the bridge table!

Denise Poole

Designed and maintained by Tom Hain